Our research focuses on the intersection of neuroplasticity and learning about the natural world. How does experience in areas like birding shape perception and the organization of knowledge?
For the past few years, birders and nature lovers of all stripes have collaborated with us to help answer this question
Check out past research in this area or read about our current online study below.
This short online study involves making perceptual judgments about different bird photographs. Particiants have a wide range of birding experience and no prior knowledge is necessary. There are monthly caps on new participant signups due to hosting costs– if the button below says “Signups Paused,” please check back again at the beginning of the month when we add more slots.
Participants who complete study can enter a raffle draw that includes four pairs of binoculars (or instead choose a gift card to e.g. Amazon, Etsy, etc.)
The initial survey includes questions about your birding experience, if any. After that, there will be a link to the main section, which consists of two short sections (~10-15min total) and an optional third section (~6-8min).
Data privacy: Participation is anonymous. There are a few general demographic questions (e.g., age, sex, education) but we will not ask for your name or other identifying details.
If you want to enter binoculars raffle, at the end of the study you can enter your email address so that you can be contacted in the event you win. Email addresses are not linked with any other study data.
Please only complete the study once. If you like it, check back at the end of 2024 for our launch of a another project. Thanks for your interest in the research!